Helpful information




Septic Do’s and Don’ts


  • Pump every 2-3 years as this will help maintain the longevity of your system!
  • Keep your septic tank lids closed & secure
  • Keep lids easily accessible
  • Direct water from land & roof drains away from the tank & drain field


  • Do not flush wipes; WIPES CLOG PIPES!
  • Limit the use of bleach as this kills much needed bacteria inside your tank
  • Avoid flushing feminine products. They block pipes
  • Do not pour grease down your drains! It will cause seriouse clogging issues and build up in the pipes
  • Do not let your system go longer than 3-4 years without getting pumped!
    Avoid driving / parking or building on top of your septic & leach field!


Importance of Septic Pumping

Septic pumping is one of the most important component of maintaining a healthy septic system. Scheduling septic pumping on a regular cadence extends the life of your system and prevents major issues from occurring. 

Too many wait until it is too late to get their septic tank pumped and end up having serious issues with backups or leaking. Our goal is to help you avoid these issues by ensuring you are educated on how the septic system works.

A septic system is an onsite wastewater treatment system that processes & cleans household waste (effluent). Effluent consists of blackwater (toilet wastes) and graywater (kitchen, bathtub and laundry wastes).

The septice system is made of two components: a septic tank & a leachfield. Each plays their part in ensuring the system is functioning correctly. Without proper maintenance and care, the systems will fail, leaving homeowners with a big mess.

Signs of Septic Failure
  • Wet / soggy area above leach field with waste odors
  • Waste odor smell from inside house
  • Slow draining pipes
  • Water backing up into the house
  • Gurgling pipes; They would occur when running water in the house
Septic System Facts
  • A properly working septic system actually cleans the water before it enters the ground water!
  • The average life span of a well-maintained septic system should be anywhere from 30-40 years
  • A Title V inspection is required if you are selling or adding onto your home
Tips & Suggestions
  • Save your service records as this will help assist in the diagnosis of any problem that could arise in the future
  • The majority of systems don’t require additives. Household waste contains the necessary bacteria to break down the solids
  • If possible, use toilet paper labeled “septic system safe” or “biodegradable”
  • Garbage disposals should not be used with a septic system. They add large amounts of solids which bacateria are incapable of breaking down
  • Always remember to pump your tank every 2-3 years to help maintain the longevity of your system
Septic System Myths
  • “My septic tank never needs to get pumped”
  • Putting a dead animal carcass in your septic tank does not help your system work better. There is already plenty of bacteria in your tank.


Grease Trap Do’s and Don’ts


  • Pump your grease traps often to avoid solid build up! Different traps require different service schedules based off the size and usage
  • Hire a professional grease trap pumping service


  • Wait too long to have your grease trap cleaned
  • Try and clean it out yourself if you don’t have experience